Open Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 2 pm
and the first Saturday morning of each month.
Having been inspired by the messages of Bob Lupton, who calls those helping the poor to avoid “toxic charity,” the Christian Service Center opened another avenue for helping people who struggle economically. In 2015, the Bargain Room was added to the services offered at the Christian Service Center. It is open Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 2 pm and the first Saturday morning of each month. CSC will sell quality goods at very reasonable prices which do not fit into the donation area, or our neighbors may not need or want. All money raised from sales in the Bargain Room will be used to purchase basic necessities, such as kitchen items, bus passes and gas vouchers for our neighbors.
As CSC takes another step toward what we call “responsible charity,” we moved our annual Christmas Room into the new Bargain Room. Rather than giving our neighbors a handout of Christmas decorations or gifts, whenever neighbors inquire about Christmas gifts, we’ll refer them to the new Bargain Room – where they can purchase toys, gifts for adults and decorations for very reasonable prices.

We believe it is healthy to offer people the dignity of letting them purchase toys for their children, as well as other gifts and decorations, rather than just receiving a donation or handout from CSC. Bob Lupton calls this reciprocity “the magic of exchange.” As Bob Lupton says, most people appreciate a bargain much more than a handout!
We are grateful to provide this new avenue for meeting needs for individuals and families in Abilene. We invite you to come and see what CSC has in store for you in the Bargain Room.